Wednesday 25 April 2012


Today Tanzania is celebrating 48 years of the union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar which was engineered by leaders of two states in 1964,just few month after Zanzibar revolution and Tanganyika independence. Some historians believe that some strong factors influenced the attaining of this union. These factors included; the geographical distance between two states, historical relationship between two states, where by many people were taken from Tanganyika to Zanzibar during slave trade and during clove plantations in Zanzibar. Another factor was Swahili language, where by people from two sides were able to communicate and make major decisions.

 Africanism also played major rules, 1960s was the period which witnessed nationalism movement in Africa, many African nations attained their independence by force when negotiation and peacefully methods failed, and there was no turning back. During this movement many African leaders had aim of removing all borders introduced earlier by colonial powers during the scramble and partition of African and in the campaign of divide and rule by colonialists, the era when African tribes and societies found themselves in different countries. the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was the beginning  of achieving the idea of uniting Africa. The last factor but not the least was defence and security. Two states decided to put together their efforts to prevent the coming back of Arabs. It is difficult to know how a Zanzibar without the revolution and subsequent Union would have evolved. 

 Many modern day historians take the view that there was a great risk of this small nation becoming unstable and there is a possibility that, with its historical and religious connection to the Middle East, those who, in recent years have fomented acts of international terror might have been tempted to exploit this. This is, of course, merely a hypothesis and impossible to prove one way or another. However, the fact that Tanzania is the most stable country in this region of the world full of tumult would tend to suggest that Mwalimu laid a very firm foundation for peace and stability and three presidents after his own rule ended, it remains a beacon of peace.


Saturday 21 April 2012

Taj Mahal's Construction details in India

 Taj Mahal is a white Marble mausoleum located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife,Mumtaz Mahal., Strangely the scaffolding of this magnificent building was made, not of wood or bamboo, but with bricks. Probably due to the lack of wood made the architects to make brick scaffolding.
The Taj Mahal was constructed using materials from all over India and Asia and over 1,000 elephants were used to transport building materials.  
Taj Mahal top/aerial  view
The site was excavated, filled with dirt to reduce seepage, and levelled at 50 metres (160 ft) above riverbank. In the tomb area, wells were dug and filled with stone and rubble to form the footings of the tomb.The translucent white marble was brought from Makrana, Rajasthan, the jasper from Punjab, jade and crystal from China. The turquoise was from Tibet and theLapis lazuli from Afghanistan, while the sapphire came from Sri Lanka and the carnelian from Arabia. In all, twenty eight types of precious and semi-precious stones were inlaid into the white marble.  
Taj Mahal is the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements from Persian, Turkish and Indian architectural styles. Though Shahjahan provided the vision behind the entire concept, Wen he was grief-stricken after his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal's death, during the birth of their 14th child, Gauhara Begum. he was assisted in his endeavor by a number of architects including Muhammad Isa Khan, who hailed from Shiraz in Iran. The construction began around 1632 and was completed around 1653, employing thousands of artisans and craftsmen.
Taj Mahal elevation
  The Taj Mahal is built according to a predefined plan. It is built according to the Islamic concept of Paradise, where an enormous, shimmering pearl white dome stands supported by four corner pillars, from which flow the rivers of grace.   Structural details 
      1.    On a platform 22' high and 313' square. Each tower is 133 feet tall
2.     Building is 186 feet high and 70 wide.
3.     Corner minarets are 137' tall.  
4.     Main structure 186' on a side,  
5.     dome to 187'.
The mausoleum is 57 m (190 ft) square in plan.
6.      "The central inner dome is 24.5 m (81 ft) high and 17.7 m (58 ft) in diameter, but is surmounted by an outer shell nearly 61 m (200).  
7.     The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its four corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon.  
8.     Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It is flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers.  
9.     The four graceful, slender minarets are 162.5 feet each.
10.                        The entire mausoleum (inside as well as outside) is decorated with inlaid design of flowers and calligraphy using precious gems such as agate and jasper.  
11.                        The main archways, chiseled with passages from the Holy Qur’an and the bold scroll work of flowery pattern, give a captivating charm to its beauty. The central domed chamber and four adjoining chambers include many walls and panels of Islamic decoration.
Taj Mahal section detail
 Building elements
1.     Finial-decorative crowning element of the Taj Mahal domes
2.     Lotus decoration-depiction of lotus flower sculpted on tops of domes
3.     Onion Dome-massive outer dome of the tomb (also called an amrud or apple dome)
4.     Drum-cylindrical base of the onion dome, raising it from the main building
5.     Guldasta-decorative spire attached to the edge of supporting walls
6.     Chattri-a domed and columned kiosk
7.     Spandrel-upper panels of an archway
8.     Calligrpahy-stylised writing of verses from the Qu'ran framing main arches
9.     Arch-also called pishtaq (Persian word for portal projecting from the facade of a building) and
10. Dado-decorative sculpted panels lining lower walls

site plan of TajMahal

The massive plinth on which the Taj Mahal stands is representative of the material world, while the octagonal main structure signifies the transitional phase. Finally the dome is symbolic of being the vault of the heaven. To complete the illusion of the paradise, the tomb has been ornamented with splendidly calligraphy of verses from the holy Koran, in flowing Arabic.
The Taj is marked by perfect symmetry and harmony, be it the shape of the four towering minarets; the cupolas (chhatris); the central arch in the façade; the perfectly arranged arched recesses on both the story. s; the intricate pietra dura (stone inlay work); the delicate lattice work on marble windows or the magnificent dome. Even the mosque and the guesthouse (mehmankhana) are a mirror image of one another.

However, there is one thing, which breaks the perfectly harmonious plan of the Taj Mahal - its position. Instead of locating the Taj Mahal in the middle of the Charbagh (four garden plan), Shahjahan built the mausoleum at the far end of the garden, with the back wall falling straight down to the bed of Yamuna River.
Architecturally, Taj was the greatest peace of architecture that Mughals produced, but it is a natural growth from the tomb of Humayun and to a lesser extent from certain other, prominent is the Tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah in Agra itself. But it is far superior to any of them in the dignity of its grouping and disposition, in the masterly contrast between the central dome and the slender minarets, in the chaste refinement and painstaking craftsmanship of its details, and above all in the splendor of its materials. The design of Taj is more Persian 

Saturday 24 December 2011


HOTUBA YA UCHAGUZI MKUU WA TASA-DELHI 28TH JAN 2012-UBALOZINI NEW DELHI INDIA. Kwanza kabisa nichukue nafasi hii kumshukuru mwenyezi mungu kutukutanisha hapa sote,katika mkutano huu mkuu wa chama chetu cha tasa. Chama cha tasa-delhi ni chama cha wanafunzi wa kitanzania waliomo katika jimbo la delhi na viunga vyake,kisicho cha kiserikali wala kisiasa,kilianzishwa kwa lengo la kulinda maslahi ya wanachama wake,kuimarisha mahusiano ya wanafunzi wa kitanzania na kuimarisha umoja,utamaduni,na maendeleo ya kielimu na taifa kwa ujumla kwa wanafunzi. Malengo ya chama cha tasa ni kutoa ujuzi na uzoefu wa oungozi kwa wanafunzi wa kitanzania,vile vile kuoa ufahamu wa majukumu ya kijamii kwa wanafunzi,hivyo hutoa fursa kwa wanafunzi kushiriki ktk mambo ya kijamii na kujitolea. Madhumuni ya chama ni kuimarisha umoja,uelewa,mahusiano na kuendeleza ushirikiano wa kijamii na kitamaduni. Ninapenda kuchukua nafasi hii kutoa shukrani za dhati kwa wanafunzi wote ambao mmeweza kuitikia wito huu,mkaacha shughuli zenu zote,mkaja kujumuika pamoja katika kikao hiki nyeti kwa chama chetu. Kikao hiki ni muhimu kuliko vyote tulivyofanya ndani ya mwaka,kwani kinatuletea ukomo wa uongozi ulopita na kufungua ukurasa mpya wa uongozi ujao,pia kitatoa muhitasari wa yote yaliyofanyika,kushindwa na kufanikiwa kwa timu ya oungozi unaomalizia mda wake na hivyo kutoa mwongozo na changamoto kwa uongozi ujao. Ninapenda kuchukua fursa hii kutoa pongezi kwa balozi wetu hapa,kwa moyo wa upendo na wa kujitolea kwa hali na mali kwa wanafunzi na chama chetu kwa ujumla.balozi amekuwa mstari wa mbele kukisaidia chama hiki kimawazo na kiuchumi katika kuhakikisha kwamba chama hiki
kinafanikiwa kusonga mbele na kufikia malengo kusudiwa.nichukue fursa hii kwa niaba ya wanafunzi kuupongeza ubalozi na maafisa wa ubalozi ambao wamekuwa wakitutegea sikio pale tulipohitaji msaada wao,na kuwa tayari kuimarisha mahusiano ya pande hizo mbili. Niwashukuruni sana viongozi mbalimbali waliokuwa katika timu hii,kwa kujitolea kwa hali na mali katika kuendesha mipango mbalimbali ya chama.pia shukrani za pekee kwa viongozi tulioanza nao kazi lakini kwa sababu moja au nyingine walilazimika kutokuendelea na nafasi zao. Mnamo dec 2010,uongozi huu ulichaguliwa rasmi kuongoza shughuli mbali mbali za chama,katika kipindi kilicho kuwa kigumu katika historia ya chama chetu.kwanza kilikuwa kipindi ambacho kilikuwa na mipasuko na hali ya kutokuelewana kati ya wanachama.kipindi ambacho kilishuhudia matumizi ya anasa ya fedha za wanachama.tulianza safari yetu tukiwa na na wakati mgumu wa kuwaunganisha upya wanachama,kurejesha imani na kukirejesha chama katika barabara iliyokusudiwa kwa kufuata kipengere kimoja kimoja cha katiba yetu.
MAFANIKIO Tumefanikiwa kwa asilimia zote kuunganisha viongozi wote kufanya kazi kamatimu,,,kila kiongozi ana nafasi yake katika chama na siri ya mafanikio ni umoja na ushirikiano. Tumefanikiwa kuwaunganisha wanafunzi wa kitanzania wa delhi na viunga vyake vya karibu kama noida, na agra. Chama kimefanikiwa kukusanya kiasi kikubwa cha mapato kutoka kwa wanachama na kubudi vyanzo mbalimbali vya nje na vya ndani vya kimapato. Chama kimefanikiwa kuzuia mianya ya ubadhirifu wa fedha za chama...ambapo kila kiasi cha rs 5000 zitakazo kusanywa zitakabidhiwa ktk ofisi ya hazina ya ubalozi,,,,huku ipoti ya mhazini wa chama ikitolewa ktk kila robo/kikao.fedha hizo zitatolewa kwa idhini ya m/kiti+mhazin kwa pamoja. Chama kimefanikiwa kushiriki kwa njia moja ama nyingine ktk shughuli mbalmbali za kiutamaduni,kijami.chama chetu kimeweza kushiriki michezo ya nchi mbali mbai inayofanyika kila mwaka na pia wanafunzi wa kitanzania walipata mualiko rasmi kushiriki matamasha ya kiutamaduni ya kimataifa. Chama kimefanikiwa kuandaamatamasha mbalimbali ya kijamii kama gathering part,kutembelea wagojwa wa kitanzania mahospitalini kulingan na uwezo wa pia kushiriki shughuli za kitaifa, Chama kimefanikiwa kuunda rasmi nembo ya chama,na blog ya chama pia kufungua ukurasa wa chama ktk mtandao wa face book kwa nia na madhumuni ya kuimarisha umoja wetu,ushirikiana na kuwa karibu ktk kubadilishana mawazo. Chama kimefanikiwa kushiriki kikamilifu pindi matatizo,maradhi,na misiba inapotokea kwa wanachama...chama kama chama hutumia mfuko wake
kukopesha wanachama wanaotikiswa vibaya kifedha na kiuchumi mf,kuibiwa,kuugua au kufiwa...ktk mataizo yanayoletea mikusanyiko ya kijammii kwa mwanachama..chama kinakawaida ya ya kuchangia vitu kama vinywaji...uchangiaji huo hata hivyo hutegmeana na hali ya mfuko wa chama.
KUSHINDWA Pamoja na mafanikio mbalimbali ktk kukusanya mapato..zaidi ya 90% ya wanachama hawatoi ada ya chama..sio kwa sababu hawana,ila kwa sababu hawataki au hawajahamasika....kulingana na katiba mtu anyeshindwa kuchangia ada yake,mahudhurio chini75%--atabakia kuwa mwanachama asiye na sifa ya kupigia kura wala kufanya maamuzi ndani ya chama(non voting members)-unless ana matatizo ya kifedha. Japo kuwa tumekuwa tukipata mialiko mingi ya kiutamaduni,wanachama wengi hawana hamasa a kushiriki,,,wengi wanataka kuwa watizamaji,,,ni vyema tukawaiga wanachama wenzete wanaotokea ubalozini ambao` hujitolea ktk michezo yote hususani ya kiutamaduni,kwani sote ni jukumu letu. Tumependekeza kuandaliwa kwa jarida la chama litakaloelezea maisha,changomoto za wanafunzi india,jarida hilo litasambazwa maeneo mbalimbali nchini na ktk taasisi za kidiplomasia,,,wafadhili walikuwa tayari ila sisi tulishindwa kufanya maandalizi hayo... Tulishindwa kufanya picnic na utalii kutokana na mitihani ktk baadhi ya vyuo,uhaba wa fedha na maandalizi ya uhuru. Hitimisho Baada ya kusema hayo ni matumaini yangu kwamba uongozi ujao utaendeleza mbele pale tulipo malizia na hatimaye kutufikisha ktk chama cha watanzania halisi,chama kitakacholinda maslahi ya wanachama wake,bila kujali nafasi ya wasiopenda mafanikio yetu,bila kujali nafasi za walio na malengo ya kudharau viongozi wake na wanafuzi kwa ujula,chama kitakacho watupilia mbali wana utengano kwa na nia ya kuwaunganisha wanafunzi wa upande wa ubalozini na wale wa vyuoni na chama ambacho kitaongozwa uzalendo
badala ya manufaa binafsi,chama kitakacho wafanya watanzania wajisikie nyumbani na amani. Mwisho nitoe wito wa wanachama wote ,kwamba sisi sote ni ndugu,watnzaniak,tuendeleni kushirikiana na uongozi ujao,kwa hali,mawazo,ushauri na mali.ukionewa-usionee wasiliana na viongozi wa chama chetu,ukidhulumiwa waone viongozi kwanza kabla ya kujichukulia sheria mikononi, Shukrani za dhati tena viongozi wote wastaafu,ubalozi na wanachama wote kwa kutuunga mkono. Asanteni kwa usikilizaji wenu.

Friday 23 December 2011


A constitution reflects the policies and procedures of our Association.
Preamble we, the students of Tanzania in Delhi hereby resolve to form a non-political students' Association and adopt this constitution to safeguard and further the interests of the members of this Association, to strengthen the relationship of the students of Tanzania, promote unity, understanding and organized life, and enhance the cultural, educational development of the students. The members of Tanzania Students Association do hereby establish this Constitution in order that our purpose is realized to its fullest extent.
Article I - Name The name of the organization will be Tanzania Students Association henceforth referred to as TASA.
Article II - Purpose Tanzania Students Association is established for the expressed purpose of developing leadership skills as well as an awareness of social responsibilities to encourage students to participate in public affairs and volunteers activities. And also to foster unity, understanding and close relationship among the students from Tanzania in order to preserve unity of Cultural and Social relationship.
To organize, encourage and coordinate extra curricular activities for purposes of Social, Cultural and Intellectual development of the students of Tanzania.
To undertake various types of activities which lead to the realization of the objectives of the Association.
(i)Every active student from Tanzanian studying in Delhi shall be a Voting Member of the Association.
(ii) Any other person from Tanzania residing in Delhi other than those members mentioned in Art. 2 (2) is entitled to become a Non-voting Member of the Association. (iii) All Voting Members will constitute the General Body of the Association.
Tanzania Students Association understands and is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities of abiding by Student in Delhi policies.
Article III - Membership Active membership shall be limited to persons officially connected with the Tanzania Students Association. Students enrolled in various institution/ school in New Delhi. In addition, the following requirements are necessary to constitute active membership:
Each Member shall pay Rs 200 as a registration fee and Rs 100 as a monthly contribution.
Attendance of at least 75% during a year.
Active participation in all activities sponsored by Tanzania Students Association unless the activity interferes with either scholastic or financial constraints.
Tanzania Students Association openly admits students to its membership and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of rights secured by the Tanzania Students Association Constitution.
Article IV - Leaders Tanzania Students Association will be governed by the following means:
An elected President (or other designated leaders) will preside at all meetings of Tanzania Students Association(TASA) the President will maintain the power to appoint Vice President and Body Members, shall present all motions to the body present and shall be present at 90% of the meetings of the Tanzania Students Association (TASA). President shall oversee the performance of the elected leader, may proposed vote of confidence to members shall be there need
Tanzania Students Association shall also have a Vice President. The Vice President's duties shall be to preside over at all meetings and functions that the President cannot attend.
The Vice-President shall discharge the duties and functions of the President in the absence of the latter, and/or in the occurrence or vacancy in the office of the President.
And in general assist the President in the discharge of his duties.
General Secretary:
(a) The Secretary shall be directly elected by the General Meeting (b) The Secretary shall call the meetings of the General Body and the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the President. (c) The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee. (d) The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the office records of the Association and the end of each form shall hand over the charges of office in the presence of the newly elected President.
Article V - Operations
1. Voting Eligibility Those members meeting all requirements of active membership as set forth in Article III will be granted voting privileges. Second year students will contest for a term of one year leadership unless otherwise.
2. Election Process All leaders shall be elected by a majority vote of eligible voting members of Tanzania Students Association. All elections will be held on an annual basis during the month of September.
The President will take nominations from the floor, the nomination process must be closed and the movement seconded. The nominated parties will be allowed to vote.
All voting shall be done by secret ballot to be collected and tabulated by the body members and one voting member of TASA appointed by the outgoing President person may seek election to the same office for more than two consecutive years. OR The mode of election shall be either open or secret ballot as desired by a simple majority of the members present at the voting.
3. Removal / Votes of No-confidence. Any office bearer/ Member may be removed from the Association provided: (a) That 1/5 of the total voting members of the Association and 3 members of the Executive Committee, or 1/3 of the total-voting members send a requisition to the President to call a meeting of the general body to consider the votes of no confidence.
(b) That at least 1/3 of the total voting members of the General Body are present in such a meeting called by the president within a week of the receipt of the requisition.
(c) That from among the requisitioninsts someone presents a charge sheet before the general body meeting and office bearer/bearers concerned replies/reply to the charge leveled against him/her/them.
(d) That by a secret ballot of those present and voting such requisitioned meeting carries the motion of no confidence, provided that 2/5 of the members present vote in favor of the non confidence motion.
(e) In such a meeting the voting members present on may choose from amongst themselves a person who is not a member of Executive Committee (but who is a member of the general body) to preside over the meeting. (f) In case of any vacancy occurring the office of any of this office bearer, the new office bearer shall be elected by the general body within 15 days of the date of the occurrence of the vacancy.
4. Meetings All meetings will occur on a weekly basis or other regular basis at a time selected by the Tanzania Students Association and will be the follow meeting below:
 General Meeting.
 Leaders Meeting
 Emergence Meeting.
These meeting shall meet in accordance of the need. Though the General Meeting shall meet in every end of the month and Leaders Meeting shall meet the last week before the General Meeting OR at the derogative of the President.
Article VI – Finances
Tanzania Students Association will finance the activities it engages in by the following means:
The TASA Account Membership (appropriate amount set by the Tanzania Students Association (TASA)
TASA Treasury shall submit financial report in every general meeting and there shall be proposal from members as there any need of usage.
Article VII - Amendments
Amendments to the constitution may be proposed in writing by any voting member of the Tanzania Students Association at any meeting at which 2/3 of the voting members is present proposed amendment.
These amendments will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the executive council or other officer grouping.
Proposed amendments will become effective following approval of two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of active members.
Article VIII - Registration Renewal Tanzania Students Association will apply to the registration office.
Art: Functions and Activities (a) The activities of the Association shall be : (1) Fresher' welcome party (2) Picnic (3) New Year's day lunch party (4) Annual Day (b) The Association shall Endeavour to organize, tournaments in Bonanza, football, table tennis, etc.
Patrons The Tanzania High Commissioner shall be a patron of the Association.

Thursday 22 December 2011


A garden at your house is the best thing to make your family happy; the garden gives the family opportunity to interact with natural world. The house garden depends on the scale it is designed, it can simple or complex, with varieties of flowers, water bodies,insects, vegetables,art works, furniture and  play grounds or very big, but all are similar in their tendency to refresh the house. Although Water gardens in most cases are expensive, they do bring more long term joy and pleasure than anything someone could spend money on, when built with concrete and rebar, will last longer.  It is advised that garden design should be given equal weight with house design to benefit maximum of what the garden can offer. 
garden principles

To make the garden more interesting and attractive, unity between all components of the garden and simplicity are the basic principles to express the main design idea. This can be achieved by applying consistency and repetition. Repetition creates unity by repeating alike elements like plants, plant groups, or decor throughout the garden. Consistency creates unity in the sense that some or all of the different elements of the landscape fit together to create a whole. Unity can be achieved by the consistency of character of elements in the design like height, size, texture, color schemes of different elements. Simplicity is actually one of the principles in design and art
arts of the garden

A simple way to create unity in your home garden is by creating themes simply by a little garden decor or garden statues. Creating a theme garden is easier when it is related to something you are interested in or have a passion for like plants that attract butterflies as well as using statues, ornaments, and other decor that are related to butterflies. 

Simplicity in planting would be to pick two or three colors and repeat them throughout the garden. Keeping decor to a minimum and within a specific theme as well as keeping boulders consistent is also practicing simplicity.   

garden flower

Many factors should be considered on introducing flowers at your house to make the garden yours. Factors like, climate, personality, color, height, small, purpose, maintenance, growing conditions will be required in designing flowers for your garden No matter the size of the garden, it should blend with your home, and surroundings.

garden water bodies

In Oder to make your garden work effectively as desired, maintenance and garden care taking are very important pillars to avoid pond leaking, algae and dead fish smell. However before starting garden, make sure you research enough before deciding what type of garden you need. The garden research can be done through literature and books or through discussion  
with garden experts. Useful information of different products available in the markets and new innovation and technology will give the garden owner more options.
After making research and choosing what you would like to be part of your garden, the second step is to find the qualified contractor, encase there are ponds and fountains in your desired garden,fence,pathworks,garden furniture.hirering a contractor who is qualified and experienced will help you doing other works at the same time.

It is recommended to opt for an energy-efficient centrifugal pump since Sump pumps are not designed for continuous operation only intermittent duty and use more energy than centrifugal pumps. 
garden fountain

Color adds the dimension of real life and interest to the garden. Bright colors like reds, yellows and oranges seem to advance toward you and can actually make an object seem closer to you. While Cool colors like greens, blues, and pastels seem to move away from you and can make an object seem farther from you. Grays, blacks, and whites are considered neutral colors and are best used in the background with bright colors in the foreground. However, to increase depth in a landscape, you can use dark and coarse textured plants in the foreground and use fine textured and light colored plants in the background. Colors can also be used to direct your attention to a specific area of the garden. A bright display among cooler colors would naturally catch the eye.  

Another important thing for your home garden is Garden furniture commonly known as outdoor furniture or patio furniture, for outdoor settings. There are different useful seating arrangements in gardens, lawns, hotels, and restaurant settings. These including patio set which is consisting of a table, four to six chairs, and an umbrella or parasol. However these can be customized according to requirements of different settings. For instance fixed or movable parasol or a fixed or movable parasol heater to enable people to sit outside during cold weather conditions. Garden furniture is made of materials which can withstand different weather conditions and is durable, mostly wood, aluminium, wicker, plastic, and wrought iron with different styles to give a garden a new look and feel.  
garden seat

Before making shopping for the garden furniture, it is recommended to analyze the requirements of the site area and climates to get suitable type of material. There are a number of styles and looks available for an outdoor setting with even the living room styles available today with more comfort and durability suitable for all weather conditions. Some other factors like cost and management should be taken into the considerations. 

Wednesday 21 December 2011



shining  the bathroom

                             Bathroom is a room ranks second after kitchen in a house. However in architectural point of view, bathroom is having greatest challenges like water proofing, odor ontroling, ventilation than any part of the house. Therefore bathroom design should be given much importance to give it unique style without compromising its function.
If you are planning to re-work the bathroom space, or re designs it, it is very important to design. For minor Bathroom remodelling, try not to change the existing layout and plumbing elements, elements and fittings can be changed but avoid shifting the major elements. Things like shower enclosure with the required shower fixtures and a classic shower curtain can be added, you can enjoy the soothing shower as well as the relaxing bathtub. A wall hung vanity to the basin. Corner, wall hung basin added, make sure you utilize the corner space as much as you can. Encase the addition of shower stall is required; consider using glass to avoid blocking effect. 
After completing the basic design then, add some extra storage to your bathroom. Absence of storage makes your small bathroom look cluttered and messy. If the plan size of your bathroom is small, big mirrors will make it look bigger two times more. Also you can use sense of balance and order, by uniform color material to increase the size of your bathroom psychologically. Shelves in your bathroom will help you place the toiletries and grooming essentials and other bathroom accessories. The decorative accent pieces like potted plants near the entrance and empty shelves can be added. You can use decorative show pieces, wall hangings and frames to play up the bathing area and scented candles and decorative candle holders to further brighten up the bathroom

Basically, the bathroom can easily be made brightly shining, free from odors, germs and stains. This can be done by simple steps starting with material design
. Bathrooms are designed with materials that are easy to clean. In most cases, floor tiles and porcelain walls are used to resist stain and preventing the accumulation of dirty. In most designs, countertops are made of home materials that can be easily cleaned, these materials include ceramic tile, plastic laminate, and cultured marble and laminated woods. Bathroom countertops should be made with durable materials, easy to clean, and water proof, with ability to resist stains.  
Air circulation in the bathroom should be given much consideration to prevent mildew growth; this can be achieved passively by providing windows to the bathroom, for natural day lighting and bringing fresh air inside and used air outside the bathroom. Availability of enough lights will be discouraging the possibility of fungus and bacteria multiplication inside the bathroom. The door of the shower should be left open after shower to allow air to circulate and dry the walls. A fan should be used during and after your showers to dry out the bathroom. Sunlight also helps to discourage mildew.
 But also by mechanical means, the amount of air circulation can be increased by the Use fans during taking shower for around 30 minutes after shower, other methods of increasing air circulation in the bathroom are air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and open windows.
To keep your bathroom  look new every time, make sure Every month, bathroom pipes are good preventative cleaned ,and making them free from grease, oil, or hair clogs. The mixture baking soda, white vinegar can be used in major bathroom cleaning to dissolve all fatty acids. Finally boiled water should be used to make final wash out down the drain to remove all clogs.  
The bathroom regular cleaning is done in daily basis; bathroom should be cleaned after a steamy bath or shower. The walls, curtains, fixtures, and floor, will be much easier to clean because the steam will have loosened the dirt. Chlorine bleach is the most chemical used with, brush to clean bathroom sinks, and toilets for removing any stain and also disinfect. Hard-water ring should be removed from shower tapes and other bathroom tapes .make sure that bacteria and mildew are cleaned from bath toys, which can simply be done by vinegar-water bath and with warm water. While cleaning wall and floor tiles, avoid using abrasive cleaners and steel wool pads, which can scratch the surface, making it difficult to keep clean. When all countertops and basins are shining and are bright, finish cleaning by mirrors, window and door glasses, make sure that there is maximum light for your bathroom and no spaces for bacteria or fungus to breed freely. Rub glass shower doors with a white vinegar-dampened sponge to remove soap residue.
Shower curtain in the bathroom should be soaked in salt water first before washed. This will help to prevent mildew. Mildew can be removed by washing shower curtain in hot soapy water, with lemon juice and drying in the sun the shower curtain. Encase of plastic curtains, laundry pre-wash spray should be used to clean the curtain.   

There are different ways of removing bathroom odors, but simply this can be achieved by installing vents, and also by leaving the window open for air circulation which can help to reduce the smell.onother method is by lighting a pain candle which can help to neutralise the odor .another way of eliminating smell from the bathroom is by spraying air freshener lightly. When the bathroom door is left open when not in use can help air circulations and hence reduce the odor.